The Witte Nete is one of seven small rivers flowing through the township of Retie and one of eleven rivers who at a certain point all merge together in the Kleine Nete at the watermill of Retie. A few hundred meters upstream from the watermill in a small but beautiful nature reserve the Witte Nete meets the Zwarte Nete.
During heavy rains the area gets flooded and the river deposits a lot of nutriënts there. A bit of a challenge to kayak on the Witte Nete. You need a rather low waterlevel because of a couple of low bridges you need to pass. Otherwise you got some dis- and re-embarking to do. On the other hand, when the waterlevel is too low, you get stuck. There aren't many meanders because big parts of this river were straightened in the past. Because of the lack of meanders it maybe is a bit boring to paddle here but there are some fun passages through some reed fields. |